Jonathan Christian

What I'm Doing Now

Updated on November 21st, 2024, from my home office in Humboldt County, CA.

Just launched PlantSort

I’m a list person. I have lists for literally everything. They usually serve me well, but not when it comes to gardening. Since plants can fit into multiple categories, there is a lot of duplication in my plant lists and seeing the different contexts that a plant can fit into is hard. So, in a bout of frustration, I did what any reasonable person would do and built a solution to my problem. PlantSort is a Rails 8 app that lets you add plants and put them into appropriate categories. On your dashboard, you can filter through those different categories/contexts at-will. I understand this is a very niche problem, but since it’s a problem I have I decided to go ahead and put it up online for others to use for free. I just launched the MVP today and will be refining it over the course of the next few days. Check it out if it sounds like something that might be useful for you.

Fixing my sleep schedule

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a healthy sleep schedule, so I decided to make a real effort at fixing it and it’s been going great. I’ve established simple morning and evening routines to make waking up and going to sleep pleasant and sandwiching 8 hours of sleep in between them. I feel less stressed, have more consistent energy throughout the day, and have been noticeably more productive. My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner.

Thinking about AGI timelines

It seems like AGI is going to be here sooner rather than later. I have no idea what the consequences of AGI will be, but I feel very confident that, for better or worse, they will be paradigm-altering—sort of how the COVID-19 epidemic was but on a larger scale. I’ve been putting a lot of thought into how to hedge against the most plausible AGI outcomes so that I can be well-positioned to get through that period that change as best I can (assuming it doesn’t go horribly wrong and kill us all). Thinking about this has made me re-evaluate my priorities and really think through what I want to get done before 2028. I don’t know for sure if AGI will arrive in 2028, but I feel it’s a good timeline to plan for to be on the safe side and make the most of the next three to four years. I’ll definitely have to write about this in more detail at some point.